Schitt’s Creek
I’m definitely late to the game with Schitt’s Creek, but I love it so far. My wife and I are on season 4. Interestingly, the quirkiness of the central theme is totally lost with my sober guitar style. Although it’s note-for-note, my arrangement kinda sounds like a baroque waltz.
The actual Rose Apothecary from Schitt’s Creek is in upstate New York. It’s called the The Beekman 1802. They partnered with the Canadian sitcom and temporarily transformed The Beekman into the Rose Apothecary; a fictional shop opened by character David Rose (Daniel Levy).
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How to play the Schitt’s Creek Theme | fingerstyle guitar
The guitar tab for this piece is beautifully written across a single page. I recommend Schitt’s Creek for intermediate guitar players and up. I’ve added it to my 2 Minute Classical Guitar Archive because it’s short duration makes for a perfect practicing etude:
a short musical composition, typically for one instrument, designed as an exercise to improve the technique or demonstrate the skill of the player.
My order of play looks like this in accordance with the guitar tab: Intro, Verse 2x. That’s it, barely 56 seconds long. Enjoy, the guitar tab is available below:
Schitt’s Creek Theme | fingerstyle guitar
Although it’s played in standard tuning, you’ll notice I have a capo on the 2nd fret. My C7 is tuned one whole step down, so capoing the 2nd fret allows me to play in standard tuning with a shorter fret length. All though my arms are long, my hands are small — and this capo position helped with the 4thh fret stretch on the last line.