
Taboo, is a British drama miniseries created by Steven Knight, Tom Hardy, and his father Edward “Chips” Hardy. Also co-produced by Ridley Scott, the miniseries follows an adventurer who returns to Britain from Africa along with fourteen stolen diamonds to seek vengeance after the death of his father.

Taboo is shown on BBC One and FX (United States).

At the time of this writing, Jan 12, I’ve have only seen the first episode of Taboo, as it just premiered in the United States on Jan 10th. However, I loved the first episode, and Tom Hardy is truly one of the most compelling, and immensely watchable actors today.

What I like about Tom Hardy — is the obvious seriousness in choosing each of his roles. Hardy is compiling an impressive IMDb page, and he seems to deliberately seeks roles against type — which place him as villains, and other complicated individuals.

[One my favorite Tom Hardy movies is a crime drama, The Drop co-starring (the late) James Gandolfini. The movie is anĀ inside look at organized crime’s use of local New York City bars as money-laundering ‘drops’.

While not a brooding role, my wife loves the romantic comedy, This Means War, starring Tom Hardy, Chris Pine, andĀ Reese Witherspoon. I have to say, it is really good.]

My excitement over Taboo is compounded by composer, Max Richter’s music. I’ve been a long time fan, and have transcribed his most popular work to guitar. Please visit my Max Richter archive where you’ll find music from Arrival, HBO’s The Leftovers, and more.

(Note: This is my premium material. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, or click here to be updated on all of my latest guitar tabs. My guitar is a Cordoba Dolce.)

How to play the opening theme of Taboo, by Max Richter

The opening theme of Taboo is like a creepy, lullaby version of The Eagles’ Hotel California. The guitar tab is two pages long, beautifully written, and played straight through without repeats.

You’ll be playing Taboo with a capo on the 3rd fret. While the intro is as easy as could be, the arpeggiated chords that follow are better suited for intermediate guitar players and up.

However, the song’s short duration makes it very doable for everyone to play and practice, because no matter the difficulty, Taboo is not daunting.

Please enjoy, the guitar tab is available below:

Taboo is played in standard tuning, with a capo on the 3rd fret.

Taboo: theme for classical guitar