Zack Snyder's Justice League: Song to the Siren | fingerstyle guitar
Photo by Tim Mossholder | Unsplash

Song to the Siren

Zack Snyder’s Justice League was incredible. I watched it in two nights, but the 4 hours flew by. I highly recommend the 3 hour director’s cut of Batman v Superman as well — also on HBO Max.

Song to the Siren is the ethereal song played during the Matrix-like scene where Barry Allen (Flash) saves a girl (from within) a car crash. The piece is from London based singer/songwriter, Rose Betts. It has a Lisa Gerrard/Gladiator-like vocal phrasing. It worked really well for a solo guitar arrangement, and I adore Rose’s voice.

[Song to the Siren was originally written by Tim Buckley, and covered by just about everyone.]

Vanity fair has an in-depth article on the Snyder Cut origin. It’s pretty long, so I opted for the media player (below the article title) and listened instead.

The fact that Zack Snyder’s Justice League was actually released — a true director’s vision — and that it’s 4 hours long, is astonishing. I believe this will have positive outcomes for directors, fans, and long form content in general.

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The guitar tab for this arrangement is beautifully written across two pages. I recommend this piece for intermediate guitar players an up. It essentially one long passage played twice through. Enjoy, the guitar tab is available below:

The tuning is a modified open F. You’ll tune your guitar like this from Low to High: C F C F A D.

**Zack Snyder’s Justice League: Song to the Siren | fingerstyle guitar

If that tuning is too low for your guitar, you can easily modify it from standard tuning. From Low to High: D G D G B E.