Penny Dreadful
Penny Dreadful, was a supernatural horror/drama series that aired from 2014 to 2016. The series is set in Victorian London and features a number of well-known horror characters, including Victor Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, and the vampire Count Dracula.
The series’ musical theme, “Demimonde”, is composed by Abel Korzeniowski.
How to play Demimonde (the theme of Penny Dreadful) for classical guitar
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This is a beautiful piece of music that really opens up at about at 0:40 into the actual song. The opening section of Demimonde was difficult to convey on guitar, so I focused on the latter part (that I really wanted to play anyway.)
The end result, is a guitar piece that sounds like a cross between an old Western theme and a Bond theme. While Demimonde is not a total walk in the park, this song is good for beginner guitar players to build skill due to the song’s repetition and short duration.
The guitar tab is available below:
Abel Korzeniowski’s Demimonde for classical guitar
This piece is played in standard tuning.