O come, O come, Emmanuel

“O come, O come, Emmanuel” is a seasonal Christian hymn (and carol). The text was originally written in Latin (Veni, veni, Emmanuel) and the hymn has its origins over 1,200 years ago when monasteries would sing the “O antiphons” in anticipation of Christmas Eve.

My favorite version by far is Loreena McKennit’s brooding rendition, simply titled, Emmanuel. She sings the whole thing in the original Latin translation. I really favor a melancholic (almost Celtic) tone to seasonal music. I think this comes from listening to so much of Loreena McKennit’s music when I was younger. Enya also has an extraordinary ethereal rendition.

My version has the droning Celtic elements, as well as some Middle Eastern motifs to break up the verses. I hope you enjoy it!

This piece is available on all streaming services:

Emmanuel on Spotify.

Emmanuel on Apple.

Emmanuel on Amazon.

How to play O come, O come, Emmanuel | fingerstyle guitar

This arrangement is beautifully written across 2 pages and relatively easy to play, and I recommend it for intermediate guitar players and up. Enjoy, the guitar tab is available below:

My song structure looks like this in accordance with the guitar tab:

Intro, Verse 2x, Interlude

Verse 1x, Verse End, Interlude

**O come, O come, Emmanuel | fingerstyle guitar

This arrangement is in an Open E minor tuning. From Low to high: E B E G B E.

I recommend that you tune your guitar like this: D A D F A D then place a capo on the 2nd fret.