Alien: Covenant
Alien: Covenant is serves as a prequel to Ridley Scott’s original and iconic film, Alien. It’s also the sequel to (Prometheus). The film follows the crew of the colony ship Covenant, as they journey to a remote planet, believing it to be an uncharted paradise. Upon their arrival, they encounter the remnants of the Prometheus expedition and its sole survivor: the enigmatic android David.
Jed Kurzel’s score for Alien: Covenant is a chilling and atmospheric masterpiece. I especially love the closing theme. Like the original Alien and Prometheus cues, Kurzel’s Covenant Theme has an explorative Star Trek vibe. It’s an incredibly well done piece of music.
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How to play the Alien Covenant Theme | fingerstyle guitar
The guitar tab for the Alien Covenant Theme beautifully written across 2 pages and played straight through. It may look easy to play, but there are some tricky sections at the end of each melody. I recommend this for intermediate guitar players and up. Enjoy! The guitar tab is available below:
**Alien Covenant Theme | fingerstyle guitar
The Alien Covenant Theme is played in a low open C tuning. Your tuning is as follows from Low to High: C G C E G C.