The Water Lets You In
Bloodline (2015-2017) is a Netflix original thriller series that follows the Rayburns, a family who own and run a beachside hotel in the Florida Keys. When the black sheep of the family, Danny Rayburn, returns home for his parents’ 45th wedding anniversary, he threatens to expose the Rayburns’ dark secrets and past tragedies. This leads to a series of events that will forever change the lives of the Rayburn family.
The series co-stars one of my all-time favorite actors, Ben Mendelsohn. The theme song, The Water Lets You In, is a deep-bayou Americana riff by the now defunct LA band, Book of Fears. I LOVE how this piece turned out for guitar. I really try to make guitar arrangements that stand on their own as something special. The Water Lets You In was excellent source material.
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How to play The Water Lets You In | fingerstyle guitar
The guitar tab for The Water Lets You In is beautifully written across two pages. I recommend this song for beginners guitar players (and up) as the fret positions are fairly easy. You’ll never have more the two fingers on the guitar at once. Enjoy, the guitar tab is available below:
My song structure looks like this in accordance with the guitar tab:
Intro 2x
Chorus 2x
**Bloodline (Netflix): The Water Lets You In | fingerstyle guitar
My tuning looks like this, from low to high: C G C F G C. I purposefully went lower because I like the way it sounds, and my C7 is strung with high-tension string for deep tunings.
However, that actual tuning of the song is (one step higher) in D A D G A D — also used for Led Zeppelin’s Kashmir. That might be a little easier on your guitar.