Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash


Alien (1979) is a groundbreaking film that follows the crew of the commercial spaceship Nostromo, as they investigate a mysterious signal on a desolate planet, and encounter a deadly extraterrestrial creature. The film’s claustrophobic suspense, and iconic (H.R. Giger) creature design have made it a classic of the science fiction/horror genre. Alien was directed by Ridley Scott.

Like it’s prequels; Prometheus and Covenant, the original Alien theme has the explorative feel of a Star Trek cue. I played the motif in two different keys and adjoined them with a snippet of the Prometheus theme, “Life”. This theme is also reintroduced as XX121 in Alien: Romulus.

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How to play Alien (1979) | fingerstyle guitar

The guitar tab for this piece is beautifully written across a single page. It’s relatively easy to play, and it’s so short that I tagged it in my 2 Minute Classical Guitar archive. Enjoy! The guitar tab is available below:

**Alien (1979): theme | fingerstyle guitar

This arrangement is played in a 1 whole step down tuning. Your guitar will look like this, from low to high: D G C F A D. You can just as easily play it in standard tuning.